Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
105605 25.830 18.330 24.590 26.230 23.200
114234 7.500 7.500 8.200 9.840 8.010
121543 14.170 21.670 14.750 18.030 17.400
135235 29.170 26.670 24.590 40.980 29.560
144454 10.830 11.670 9.840 6.560 10.220
153724 23.330 10.830 18.030 22.950 18.230
162263 6.670 3.330 3.280 8.200 5.250
173724 10.830 8.330 8.200 11.480 9.670
184814 8.330 4.170 8.200 11.480 7.460
IN355636 15.184 12.500 13.298 17.306 14.333