Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
15555 24.170 25.830 22.950 32.790 25.970
23634 6.670 15.000 21.310 19.670 14.090
31643 12.500 12.500 18.030 22.950 15.190
44744 5.830 3.330 3.280 3.280 4.140
54094 11.670 15.000 6.560 16.390 12.710
65325 25.000 21.670 42.620 18.030 25.690
73904 6.670 9.170 13.110 16.390 10.220
84534 5.830 10.830 8.200 3.280 7.460
91873 12.500 14.170 22.950 16.390 15.470
OUT352736 12.316 14.167 17.668 16.574 14.549