Tournament article

Gate Way To The Open Mizuno Open 2021

"Host Pro" & "Players' Chairman" Ryuko Tokimatsu promises a Victory to Mizuno President & CEO

Akito Mizuno President ' CEO in the middle, Nobuo Suzuki on the right
Ryuko Tokimatsu was in total fashion coordination with Mizuno brand on Pro-Am Wednesday.
"I am glad to be able to show this new outfit", smiled Ryuko. Ryuko already made contract with Misuno for his gears in 2019, but he aso made contract with Mizuno for his outfits and caddy bag last year.
"Unfortunately, this tournament was cancelled last year, so I am glad to have shown this total look to the President and CEO of Mizuno today. I must do really well this week to give back my appreciation to the company."

Ryuko played along with Akito Mizuno, the President & CEO if Mizuno on the Pro-Am.
"I had the honor to have dine with the President, but this was my first time to play a round with him. I was really nervous, much more than during a tournament."

Top 2 players are offered with a ticket to The Open. One of the first words President & CEO Akito Mizuno told Ryuko this morning was "please win this week and grab that ticket".

Ryuko's first challenge to The Open was in 2008 at Carnoustie Golf Links.
"The fairways were all dried up with ocean wind and I remember feeling I will have the chance to make pitch and run from 100 yards, even I had distance disadvantages."

Mizuno Open's venue returned to JFE Setonaikai Golf Club in Okayama Prefecture since 2017. It is beautifully set with long and deep roughs, just like the links course. Ryuko also played along with legendary player, Norio Suzuki, who has become the first player to finish within Top 10 at The Open.
"He told me that I have too much pressure on my middle finger. He said to place more concentration on my pointing finger when I swing. I did what he told me, and it amazingly took away my extra tension and stabled my shots."

Mizuno Open celebrates 50th anniversary this year.
"We had such a tough time putting together a tournament of our own at JPC and I just can't believe how much effort will be needed to make a tournament to go on for 50 years. There are not enough words to express our appreciation."

Ryuko literary run around today to be a better host for his group's amateurs, cleaning the bunker sand, reading lines and every possible things.
"I am very touched to see Ryuko being such a gentleman. I really hope he will win the tournament to achieve the ticket this week and also win at The Open", complimented Akito Mizuno President & CEO with great hope.