Tournament article

Kansai Open Golf Championship 2021

Becoming unstoppable! Super Rookie Takumi Kanaya all prepared to make back-to-back victory

"I am very much motivated now and want to win as much as I could. I don't want to be easy on myself and also don't want to have anyone interfering with my goal."

Takumi Kanaya winning last week made his 2nd victory of the 20-21 long term season. This week as always, he played the 2-day practice round with his buddy college amateurs. Takumi took time to make notes on his first challenge at this venue.
"If you prepare more than anyone, I will have confidence and advantage before even stating at the 1st tee. So, I will stick to my routine, wake up early and practice and go back to my hotel room and prepare on my strategy."

Also, he went on having his "jinx meal" at major hamburger restaurant as always and satisfied his appetite and soul.

"I do feel some fatigue, but I am a professional and this is my job now. I also feel that I am on the roll, so I don't want to stop."

On the latest World Rankings, Takumi has surpassed Shugo Imahira on the ranking and became in the 2nd top place Japanese player at 76th.
"Hideki motivated me by saying let's be elected for the Olympics together. I had a great time speaking to him after my victory last week. We talked about many things including the plans for future."

"I wanted to get better on the World Rankings so that I will be provided with the chance to play at the Majors and top-class events. I want to be within top 50 so that I could be in WGC and many other prestige PGA Tour events. Hideki told me to work hard and be in top 50 as soon as I could."

If Takumi manages to make back-to-back victories by a rookie who has just turned Pro last October, it will be the first time ever achievement.
"I don't really mind so much about those records."

Takumi seems not to mind about his records or not even the prize money being cashing into his back account.
"My goal is to win as many as possible. I practice a lot just for that. I am aiming to win every week and place my 100% on the course."

The super rookie is unstoppable.