Tournament article

Golf Nippon Series JT Cup 2018

Interview at JT Cup : Rahil GANGJEE

Q. Please give us your thoughts about this JT Cup.
A. It's WOW! My first time here, but it took me long enough to play the practice round because the greens are definitely a challenge. Otherwise the conditions are perfect. Formula is to keep it below the hole. So, you will have the chance for uphill putt. You do not want to be sidehill nor downhill. You are going have trouble controlling the speed. Very tough course, you have to really think.

Q. How was your season as a whole?
A. It was a year for me to learn. I had to be patient, few tournaments I wasn't patient. Lost my patience but overall when I look back, I have to see that I learned a lot. I look forward to next year because it will give me a chance to prove that I can play on these courses. I didn't play well on rest of the tournaments, other than the win. But it was year where I was playing catch up with rest of the field. It is not always easy when you are playing at higher standard in a tour like this.

Q. Please give us your thoughts on next season.
A. So, next year I have my fingers crossed. No other way to put it. Just hit and learn. I have to be patient next year also because it will be my second chance at the golf courses. But as that said and done, I still have to perform against the players who have been here for, I don't know how many times? Some have been here for 10, 15, 20 years. They know where to hit it, what to do, what the speeds are. Sometimes you have to know the effect of the mountain, the hill, the sea, and the grass. So, now it gets mentally tired. This is my 11th week. It's a decision I made on my own. Because I knew I had to come ad stay to play, for the next year. Maybe sacrifice this year for next year. Hopefully it will work out next year.