
Japan PGA Championship 2019

2019 Japan PGA Championship's Round 1 will be postponed to Friday

The Japan PGA Championship was scheduled to start from tomorrow, July 4th, Thursday, but due to terrible weather forecast, it will be postponed to 5th Friday.
The rescheduling was announced by Chairman Masahiro Kuramoto of The Professional Golfers' Association of Japan, the tournament host, at 17 pm today.

It is very irregular for the postponing of the First Round to be announced on the previous day, but it was the decision due to the weather forecast of active seasonal rain front staying around Southern Kyusu area that might lead to serious heavy rain disaster which already is calling out for the whole area to evacuate.

To fulfill the task as the 2nd Major of the season, tournament aims to complete 72 holes within the remaining days, but if the weather gets in the way, tournament might face the difficult decision of shortening to fewer holes.

As for now, the forecast tells that the weather will become stable from tomorrow afternoon. As for the practice rounds schedules, it should be announced by noon time. After the announcements, players should contact the headquarters for the practice round reservations.