
Dunlop SRIXON Fukushima Open Golf Tournament 2019

Order of Merit Champion Shugo Imahira shifts his target to next week's Major

Shugo Imahira was at 5 shots behind the leader and was aiming to do a come from behind victory today. But unfortunately, the pouring rain got in his way.

"I really wanted to play today, but there's nothing I could do now" said Shugo and started to pack his gears.

The 2nd Major is scheduled next week. The venue for the Japan PGA Championship will be at Ibusuki Golf Club, located at Ibusuki City, the southern part of Satsuma Peninsula in Kagoshima Prefecture.

The course is 2 hours drive from the nearest airport, and players has to be at the pre-tournament party on Monday, which is tomorrow. Then they will also play at the Pro-Am tournament on Tuesday, which means players don't have much time off.

Most difficult part is that they have to carry all the gears and suitcases along with them, because there is no time to send them by carrier services.

Shugo has 2 wins under his belt but doesn't have a Major title that has "Japan" written on them yet. Shugo is not talkative, but lately he has been saying clearly and loudly that he wants a Major title. Shugo's challenge for his most wanted goal, the Major title, will begin in just few days.