
Kansai Open Golf Championship 2019

Young guns blossom on the birdie rush Sunday

So many birdie rushes were seen on Sunday at the Kansai Open this year. One of them was Takaya Onoda who marked his career best score of 64.

"My 2nd shots were hot, and my putts just went great" Takaya recalls.
As he stated, he dunked long downhill putt on 16th, and went on to place his 2nd shot from 270 yards remain to 4-meter and made the putt.

KOMA CC is known for wide but wavy greens, like potato chips. So, Takaya did make several 3 putts which he really regrets, but he kept his aggressive fighting spirit which made him finish at career best tied to 11th.

"My goal is to achieve my ticket to be in the JT Cup."
Takaya has won at Chubu Open in his 3rd year in college as a first ever amateur to do so. His goal may come true pretty soon.

Another young gun who stole the spotlight today was Takashi Ogiso, who marked 9 under which tied to the best score.
He struggled first 2 days, and those deficits costed him to end at tied 21st, but he is proud of his great score on Sunday.
"I made some changes on my swing today. I tried not to release my wrist cock during my downswing, and my shots got closer to the pin."

Takashi seemed to have gained more than a great score today. This is his 4th year as a pro, he might be able to find a hint to make his turning point on professional life as well.
  • Ogiso