
Dunlop SRIXON Fukushima Open Golf Tournament 2019

Still waiting for that First Victory, Ryuji Masaoka on his 14th year as a Pro

Ryuji Masaoka planned to keep up with his 2 years old younger old buddy Yuta Ikeda today.
"I knew that Yuta will make a big score today, so I tried my best to keep up with him so that I could play in the Final round with him."

But the result for today was different from what Ryuji expected. Yuta plunged with bogey, par, double bogey start. Yuta seemed to be bit tired from the practice round he had with his college junior and amateur.
"Yuta said he was too tired from the hustle he did on that practice round, but I know he will bounce back tomorrow with the big score. I will try to make low score that we could end up in the final group on Sunday."

Yuta Ikeda won his 21st victory at the Mizuno Open with the putter that Ryuji gave him. Then Yuta gave his putter to Ryuji 3 weeks ago after Ryuji missed the cut at the Shishido Hills. Yuta also taught Ryuji how to grip the putter.
"Yuta taught me to putt hand first, which gives me a great touch and I never come short now. Even I miss, it's always over. I can make the putts I wasn't comfortable with before with confidence now."

With Yuta's warm and strong support, Ryuji is finding his way out of the slump now on his 14th year as a Pro. His most wanted First Victory might be around the corner, and that will be the best way to thank Yuta for his friendship.