Tournament article

Mynavi ABC Championship 2018

Money Leader turning to be a "Kick Boxer"?

Current Money Rank No.1 and last week's winner, Shugo Imahira made a surprising announcement on Wednesday during the Pro-am rounds.
"I heard that kick boxing is really good for training the hip joints. So, I want to give it a try."

Shugo got this idea from a baseball legend, former professional pitcher, Tsuyoshi Shimoyanagi, when they grouped up at the Pro-am.

"I hardly know baseball. I had no knowledge of Mr.Shimoyanagi, so I googled. I found out that he used to be a very aggressive pitcher and a bit short tempered. I got pretty scared to be honest. But when we met, he was a gentleman and very warm. He taught me so many things during our round together."

When Shugo questioned Mr. Shimoyanagi about his training methods, the answer was "Kick Boxing."
Mr.Shimoyanagi is very non talkative person, and so is Shugo.
"I don't usually ask questions, but I try once in a while when I have the chance" says Shugo.
He learned not to miss any important chances. Just like last week when he got courageous and requested Jumbo Ozaki if he could join him for the practice round.

"During the practice round, Jumbo gave me advices, both technique and mental wise. With those advices, I was able to get my 2nd win."

Shugo wanted to thank Jumbo in person, but Jumbo went back to the hotel before Shugo finished his Pro-am rounds. Shugo is breaking his shyness and learning to catch his chances to question the legends for their wisdom.